Basic Handgun
Basic Handgun
Learn the fundamentals of owning, safely using, and caring for a handgun. This course is ideal for first time shooters, new handgun owners, or as a refresher.
Children’s Firearms & Safety Fundamentals Parent/Guardian Seminar
Children’s Firearms & Safety Fundamentals Parent/Guardian Seminar
The Children’s Firearms & Safety Fundamentals Parent/Guardian Seminar has a lot to offer new and experienced gun-owning parents. From how to properly store, handle, and use their firearm to teaching their children about firearms safety. Let’s work together and reduce firearm-related incidents.
Emergency First Aid Fundamentals
Emergency First Aid Fundamentals
Your first line of defense is YOU! In an emergency, every second counts. If the time ever comes, you’ll be able to take meaningful action by learning the basic first aid and lifesaving techniques taught in this course.
Women’s Defensive Pistol
Women’s Defensive Pistol
One of the biggest takeaways of this course is an understanding of the differences between marksmanship and defensive shooting, and how the proper physical and emotional states will determine if you’re prepared to perform the latter.
Women’s Intermediate Pistol
Women’s Intermediate Pistol
Here, you will explore the different types of firearms and ammunition, plus tips and tactics for picking handgun holsters. You will also participate in drills that will challenge your skills while pushing you to the next level. The overall goal of this course is to build your comfort and confidence while actively training.
Women’s Basic Pistol
Women’s Basic Pistol
In this course, you will lay the foundation for handgun basics through topics like “The 4 Universal Safety Rules,” understanding firearms, clearing semi-automatic handguns, stance and grip, trigger control, and a multitude of other skills that are necessary for the proper and safe operation of a handgun.
Women’s Handgun and Self-Defense Fundamentals
Women’s Handgun and Self-Defense Fundamentals
USCCA’s “Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals” is a welcoming and engaging training guide created by a woman for women who are seeking to begin, improve upon, or add to their firearms skills.
Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation
Church Safety: Protecting your Congregation
A comprehensive course for every House of Worship and family in America!
Countering the Mass Shooter Threat
Countering the Mass Shooter Threat
In this class we set aside the rhetoric and political posturing and deal specifically with the facts. We review the information gathered from past mass shootings, talk through potential root causes, proposed solutions and why those focused on gun control will not work, and most importantly we review formation of comprehensive plans and the actions we ALL need to take.
Home Defense Fundamentals
Home Defense Fundamentals
The USCCA Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning a firearm for self-defense in your home.